We always try to give the best service possible, but there may be times when you feel that this has not happened. This policy explains what will happen if you have a complaint about the service we provide for you. We hope that most problems can be sorted out quickly and easily, often at the time when they arise and with the person concerned. If the problem cannot be sorted out in this way and you wish to make a complaint, we would like you to let us know as soon as possible, ideally within a matter of days or at the most a few weeks, as this will enable us to establish what happened more easily.

Who can make a complaint?

Complaints may be made by:

  • anyone directly affected by the way Blythswood Health & Wellbeing Ltd has carried out its functions.
  • anyone acting directly on such a person’s behalf (for example, parent, guardian, carer, advocate, other relative or the executor of an estate).
  • anyone having reasonable concern about the way Blythswood Health & Wellbeing Ltd service is being provided.
  • If you would like to make a complaint

Healthcare Improvement Scotland is the organisation regulating independent healthcare services in Scotland. Our service users can complain at any time to Healthcare Improvement Scotland at the address below (either in writing, by telephone or in person).

Healthcare Improvement Scotland
Independent Healthcare Team
Gyle Square
1 South Gyle Crescent
EH12 9EB
T: 0131 623 4342
E: hcis.clinicregulation@nhs.net

Complaints Procedure If you would like to make a complaint

We would hope that we would be able to discuss and treat the majority of complaints inhouse and you can contact the practice manager at the address below (either in writing, by telephone or in person).

Blythswood Health & Wellbeing Ltd,
2nd Floor, 1 Blythswood Square,
G2 4AD.
T: 0141 404 8348
E: office@bhwglasgow.com


We have to respect the rules of medical confidentiality and a patient’s written consent will be necessary if a complaint is not made by the patient in person.


Upon receipt of your complaint, we shall send you an acknowledgement letter within two working days. We hope that if you have an issue, you will use our practice complaints procedure as we believe this will give us the best chance of putting right whatever has gone wrong. However, this does not affect your right to complain to the appropriate authority if you feel that you cannot raise your complaint with us or you are dissatisfied with the result of the investigation.


It is against the law for private healthcare providers to discriminate against you, for example, because of your age, sex, sexual orientation, race, disability, or religion. If you feel you have been discriminated against, you can complain about this. For more information, please look on the website of the Equality and Human Rights Commission at www.equalityhumanrights.com