Hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) is a disorder which affects the blood vessels, nerves, muscles and joints of the hand, wrist and arm. It can become severely disabling if ignored and its best known form is vibration white finger (VWF) which can be triggered by cold or wet weather and can cause severe pain in the affected fingers.

We offer the following HAVs Assessments:

  • Tier 1 – First questionnaire, filled out by job applicants or employees about to start working with vibrating tools.
  • Tier 2 – This is an annual questionnaire for employees who remain exposed to hand vibration tools.
  • Tier 3 – If an employee declares vibration-related symptoms a Tier 3 assessment will be carried out by a HAVS qualified nurse. This includes taking a detailed history and physical tests that assess the vascular and the nervous system of the hands. The outcome of this assessment will help the nurse decide whether there is reason to believe that the symptoms could be due to HAVS. If so, the nurse will escalate this to a Tier 4 assessment and physical examination may recommend interim adjustment of exposure to vibration.
  • Tier 4 – This assessment will be carried out by a HAVS qualified doctor. It consists of a detailed history, assessment of symptoms and signs of HAVS. Tests include sensation, assessing the vascular system in the hands and look at grip strength. This is the stage where a formal diagnosis of HAVS or other conditions may be made. Furthermore, the doctor will advise on further surveillance and recommend limits to exposure.

Looking for room hire in Glasgow?

We have rooms available for rent for meetings or private clinics. All rooms are reasonably priced, beautifully presented and are based in an exclusive city centre setting. The centre is also HIS (Healthcare Improvement Scotland) approved, helping you avoid the administrative hurdles and costs of setting this up yourself. Contact us for more information.